Minimalism approach to my iPhone. Less is More.

>> Tuesday, March 16, 2010

About a week ago, I embarked on a quest to see what apps would take up residence on the HomeScreen of my iPhone. And up till now, only four (4) apps have made the cut and they are:

  1. Contacts

  2. Calculator

  3. Notes

  4. Calendar

On my Dock resides :

  1. iPod

  2. biteSMS

  3. Phone

The Calculator app is close to being kicked out and I may have only three (3) apps residing on my HomeScreen. It basically shows what the iPhone's main task is in my life.

  1. Texting

  2. Answering Calls

  3. Scheduling my meetings, appointments

  4. Taking down notes

Playing games and tinkering with apps take a backseat ride on this boat. So isn't that what we all use our hand-phones for? So no matter if you have a below par handphone (non-smartphone, brick-like and lacks MMS), you still do the same things as an above par handphone user (smartphone, web browser, push email and ability to make coffee).


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