Mods on my iPhone

>> Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Someone asked me over FaceBook if the iPhone is a good phone. HELL YA!! Once you got your hands on an iPhone, there's no looking at any other phone. It becomes an extension of your personality. A tool of zen-like quality.

Anyway, I've been busy with it the last few weeks and this is the current state of my trusty iPhone; I call 'It'.

2G Model, 16GB HDD,

Firmware Roadmap: OS 2.1 to 3.0 to 3.1.2 to OS version 3.1.3.

2G tethering, bluetooth and MMS enable via OS patch.

Favourites I can't live without:

  1. biteSMS,

  2. Notes,

  3. Mobile Terminal,

  4. WinterBoard,

  5. SSB Settings,

  6. TweekDeck

  7. Facebook

There you have it. What? You think the list is too short? Minimal. That's the approach I'm taking with this phone. If I don't really use it for two (2) days, then the app gets a spot on my 2nd screen. All games are on the 3rd and 4th screen respectively. And my HomeScreen holds just four (4) apps.

I've currently got SMS Delivery Notification running but it's bloody annoying. Appearing as a text message each time a SMS is delivered. A good way to represent this is to have an icon indicator on the SMS itself, showing that it has been delivered. Something I bet someone else has thought of.

Well, there you have it. A look into the friend I call 'It' who gets an upgrade every time something new pop up on the iPhone hacking bulletin boards. And I must say, an iPhone is a Geek's best friend.

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