Idiots do Multitasking, Geniuses Single-task.

>> Wednesday, March 17, 2010


"Multi-tasking". Say it...say it. What the hell does it mean? Seriously, take time, now, to just ponder the meaning of that word. "Multi-tasking", what does it mean and imply?

Seriously, I don't do multi-tasking because it's for idiots. The smart people in the world single-task and that's really the natural order of things. Human beings were never made to multi-task. Multi-tasking in the office was a cheap way to cut down on employing more people and to enforce a form of slavery in the modern office. Yup, slavery is not confine to third-world countries, you can find it in modern air-conditioned offices. And the slaves are those of us who ever got slap with the "you-can-multi-task" stick on note.

Single-tasking is the way we were meant to be. Because we are single-track-minded beings. Our linear minds are most efficient handling a SINGLE train of thought instead of jumping from track to track. It's just the way we are hardwired in the nugging.

Leave the multi-tasking to computers and machines, why? Because that's why we invented them. Computers have multi-threaded capabilities embedded into their CPUs. They are built to handle several data streams at one instance. Multi-tasking was meant for the computers. How on earth, did this virus jump from the computer to human species is beyond me. But I bet it was some idiotic HR manager who wanted to save on paying for an extra employee.

So next time someone pushes the "You can multi-task" line into your face, do the smart thing. Reply back, "I'm single track minded, so I work best on a single-tasking model."


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