What would I use the iPad for?

>> Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Seriously, I can't wait to get my hands on an iPad. Why?

I've purchased iPods, iMac, iBook and iPhone; why not get myself an iPad. Add that to my list of all things Apple lying around on my desk.

For the moment I saw the Steve Jobs' keynote presentation at the unveiling of the iPad, I have had day-dreams of wiping it out during a meeting or typing away on my next novel on it or updating my blog at StarBucks, etc,etc. The point of total geek coolness, is having this gorgeous piece of hardware on your lap and you are surfing the internet. Best web-surfing experience, they said...

But that's as far as it will go. Because seriously, what would you use the iPad for?

Sit back and think, what can the iPad do that a normal MacBook cannot do?

Best web-surfing experience. I think; not. There's no Flash support. And as to typing out my novel on it? Well, I've only got the in built Notes to work on and a virtual keyboard that may or may not perform up to par.

There's no camera. What??? No, camera. No, static camera and no video camera. So I can't do video-calls on Skype; which would have be a GREAT plus point.

So, what can I do with an iPad?

It's a mere, over-sized iPhone. And anything the iPhone can do the iPad can do too; except make phone-calls. And just like the iPhone, there is no multi-tasking on the iPad. Why?Why?Why? Why could they not put Mac OSX onto the iPad and provide multitasking?

So, what can I do with an iPad?

Watch the keynote presentation by Steve Jobs at the launching and you'll see the main use of an iPad, if ever I buy one - as a presentation gizmo.

Yup, so I hope they can get Microsoft Office to run on the iPad, then it will be really useful.


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