Novel Writing Software
>> Tuesday, February 16, 2010
I don't write in Microsoft Office.
Instead, I invested in a novel writing software called Scrivener and it has been the best purchase I have made (in terms of software) if you look at the ROI value of it. Scrivener has a neat feature where you can type in full screen and its a god-sent.
With Panels Open
Total Full Screen Experience
It's reminiscent of typing using a typewriter. One is not inhibited by form or format, but can concentrate purely on churning out your ideas. Further-more a novel writing software helps organize your chapters and pages into sections that are easy to rearrange, should the need arises.
Scrivener only works on the Apple platform, so if you are working on a Windows platform; I can recommend yWriter5.
The main plus point about yWriter5 is that it is FREE. Yes, you read me right, it is FREE. And you get a lot of bang in this software. yWriter5 doesn't have a full-screen mode but it makes up with it powerful organisation capabilities. Honestly, a little too much organisation that at times I got turn off by merely trying to find my way in it. But that may just be me. yWriter5 may work for you, so give it a shot.
yWriter5 Main Writing Interface.
There are many novel writing software out there that it would take a long post just to list them out. I am highlighting these two as I find them meeting my needs when it comes to my style of drafting my novels. Do your own experiments and explore the various other novel writing software and find one that works for you. Each writer, I believe, has a way of writing that allows them the greatest freedom to express their thoughts and ideas.
Remember, you may start by imitating how another writer works but eventually you will have to come up with a method that works for you. A method that liberates you to produce the best writing stored within you.
Happy writing!
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